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Updated May 21, 2007 - See Below

ScottMartin.Com pages:

The Bands page:
a list of bands to visit .
The Jokes and Downloads page.
Updated 3/27/02: I added several new files to download, including pictures of the Towers of Light tribute to victims of the September 11th World Trade Center attack.
Some Links to sites I like.
Updated 3/27/02: Added a link to a Turkish web site with funny movies and photographs, and a link to an index of the pictures and movies. Also, under Entertainment, there is now a link to a movie of Michael Jackson's face over the years. Scary!
The Music page.
My music.
UPDATED October 15, 2002: new version of Stems and Seeds
Maps to various music venues where the bands have played.
Not many here yet. Under construction.
Photos of the usual suspects.
New photos coming in April.
Plus, a listing of all the E-Mail addresses in one place.

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